Our joint research work with LMU München, Munich Innovation Labs GmbH and CPE GmbH on “Vibroarthrography for early detection of knee osteoarthritis using normalized frequency features” has been published in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. A copy may be requested through ResearchGate. VibroSuite is a product of M3i GmbH.
+49 5834 9999-799
Evolunis runs openQMS.
- Building openQMS January 8, 2023
- Beta version of Wellenbrecher released October 17, 2022
- Warehouse service established July 10, 2022
- COVID-19 Challenge/ Open Source Ventilator Projects March 28, 2020
- Jobs: Studentische Hilfskraft / Werkstudent (w/m/d) Technical Editor January 14, 2020